Price, size, features and amenities aren’t the only important considerations when buying a house. School district quality should also play a part in your home-buying decision. Top-performing school districts offer an excellent education for your kids and help your home retain its value. These Greater Rochester area school districts are among the best in our region. Scroll down to see the list and click here to see new neighborhoods in some of these districts.
Brighton Central School District
Brighton Central School District serves more than 3,600 Brighton and Pittsford students in grades K through 12. The District is ranked first in the Rochester area by, received an overall rating of A+, and was rated the 14th best school district in the state.
Fairport Central School District
Close to 6,000 students in grades K through 12 attend Fairport Central School District which serves most of Perinton and Fairport. Fairport is one of’s A+ school districts and is ranked 16th in districts with the best teachers in New York.
Penfield Central School District
The Penfield Central School District covers almost 50 square miles and serves 4,500 grade K -12 students from parts of Penfield, Brighton, Perinton, Pittsford, Macedon and Walworth. The district, rated A+ by, is also the 34th best district in the entire state of New York.
Pittsford Central School District
Also rated an A+ school district by, Pittsford Central School District educates students from portions of Pittsford, Brighton, Mendon, Penfield and Perinton. Approximately 5,700 students in grades K through 12 attend the district, which is ranked 16th best district in the state.
Webster Central School District
This suburban Rochester school district educates more than 8,000 preK through 12 students from Webster, one-third of Penfield, and smaller areas of Walworth and Ontario. Webster Central School District received an overall grade of A from and is the 32nd best school in the state for athletes.
Canandaigu City School District
More than 3,500 students in grades Prek through 12 attend Canandaigu City School District. They come from Canandaigu and parts of Bristol, South Bristol, East Bloomfield, Farmington, Gorham and Hopewell. The district scored an A rating on and is the 132nd best school district in the state.
Victor Central School District
Approximately 4,500 students from three counties attend Victor Central School District. Students represent the village of Victor and parts of Farmington, Victor (town), Perinton and Macedon. The school district has also received an A ranking from and was rated the best district in the entire state for athletes.
Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District
This school district encompasses 74 square miles and three counties, serving 2,700 K – 12 students from Mendon, Henrietta, Rush, Avon, Lima, Livonia, Victor, West Bloomfield and Richmond. Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District received an A rating from and is the 62nd best district in the state for athletes.
West Irondequoit
Approximately 4,000 K-12 students from the western part of Irondequoit attend West Irondequoit Central School District schools. West Irondequoit is the 13th best district in the state for athletes, the 75th best district overall, and received an A rating from
Wayne Central School District
Wayne Central School District is the top school district in Wayne County, according to and received an A- rating from the site. The district serves 2,100 K – 12 students from parts of Macedon, Ontario, Walworth, Williamson, Penfield and Webster.
These schools offer a wealth of innovative educational programs that focus on literacy, the arts and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education. The districts not only provide a solid education for students but also play key roles in their community.
Have you been thinking of building a house in one of these top Greater Rochester-area school districts? Whether you want to build on our land or yours, we’re here to help you make your dream come true. Contact us soon to explore the possibilities.